Extended Wear Tips
If you wear your hair system for more than a week at a time before taking it off, adopt the tips below for a stronger, longer-lasting hair replacement bond. Otherwise, try our tips for daily wear attachment if you remove your system more than once a week.
- Always start with a clean scalp and hair system. Prepare your scalp properly before attaching the hair system.
- Regardless of the adhesive, it’s essential to apply red liner tape to the polyurethane surfaces as an undercoat to accommodate easy clean-up.
- After showering or working out, the bond will seem as though it's weakening, however, your hair system is still secure. The bond softened a bit due to extra moisture. You need not apply any more adhesive to the hairpiece as the bond will harden again.
- Airborne dust will attach itself to the toupee adhesive in the front edge of lace units and may become visible. The best times to clean the hairpiece and scalp is soon after a shower. It's easiest to clean this area now because the hairpiece adhesive is pliable. Spray a liberal amount of A bond on the tip of a double folded tissue and hold your hair system back with one hand. Wipe the edges of the lace using the saturated tissue with the other hand. This hair system attachment hack will help to keep your lace front edge invisible.
Which type of toupee tape should I use?
Each type of hairpiece tape adhesives has different levels of tack and depending on how long you wear your system, it will determine which type of hairpiece tape is best. Use the chart below to help you decide.

Template & Base Size
Hair Type
Hair Length
Hair Color
Gray Hair
Curl & Wave
Front Contour
Hair Density
Hair Direction
Bleach Knots
Base Material Color
Production Time
Template & Base Size
How to make a template and measure the base ? Read more
Gray Hair
How to get the perfect color to match your own natural hair ? Read more
Gray Hair Type
Gray Hair
How to get the perfect color to match your own natural hair ? Read more
Customize my grey distribution and percentage

Front Contour
Determining the proper recession for your hair system is a matter of following the line/pattern of where your padded facial tissue ends and your less-padded cranial tissue begins.
AA is the sharpest, while C is the straightest.
A and CC are mostly ordered for men.
CC and C are mostly ordered for women.
Hair Density
Choosing the correct density is one of the most essestial factors to ensure your hair system looks perfectly natural. Read More
Hair Direction
Customizing a hair system also involves selecting a hair style also know as hair direction.
Base Material Color
To match your complexion, flesh, brown and black base colors are available. If you don’t choose, your hair system will be made in flesh color
Hair Cut
We provide a cut-in and style service after we finish your new hair system. It needs another 3 business days.
Choose One Hairstyle You Want
Production Time
To view more detailed information on production time