Hair Replacement Professionals
Born in city Qingdao of China, the owner brings nearly 10 years of industry expertise into the hair system business.
The main reason the factory has enjoyed the stable growth is that New Hairline cares about the end-users’ using experience. The owner Lukee’s keen attention to details at every manufacturing stage has created a culture of care and craftsmanship that the employees are proud to be a part of.
We have maintained business relationships with many companies and hair salons in the USA, the UK, Australia etc. Producing high-quality products are determined by various factors such as Natural Bleach Knotting technology, skilled Injection Hair technicians, and meticulous quality control standards. Quality is the key so we make sure that our manufacturing process and product integrity is set higher than usual.

If you’re a hair replacement salon that deals with 5 hair systems per month at least on average, NewHairLine would be very willing to work with you and provide you custom hair systems for both men and women at factory price. Your customers deserve the best custom hair replacement systems, and we can help you provide that.


HAIR PREPARATIONHair strands shorter than 3 inches would be separated out by drawing the bunch through a hackle. After hackling, the qualified hair strands are gathered and prepared to be washed.

CREATING CURL PATTERN After the hair strands have been hackled and washed, they can now be curled and waved. Curls are created by wounding the hair around the curlers, and then boiling, drying in a heated oven at last.

CREATING THE BASEThe base can be created according to the custom mold supplied by our client or through several other different ways.

CREATING THE CAP The foundation of the hair system is cut from fine-mesh silk netting that matches the user’s skin color.

HAIR KNOTTINGHair is tied to the cap through the procedure called knotting. There are several methods of knotting. A hair system usually requires around 4000 knots.

FINALIZING & STYLINGAfter the knotting process, the system would be sent to get washed, dried and then styled. After the careful inspection, the system would be ready for shipping.
Our factory is owned and operated by our company. Consistently producing high-quality human hair products for over 10 years.
We know how much precious the time is to our client. We provide super rush order service to our which would only take around 3 weeks.
We believe in great products, great service, and price transparency. We invite you to come to our factory to learn how our products are made.
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We believe that everyone deserves to have the great natural looking hairline. That’s why we’re here - to help you transform and LOVE your hair.