Surgical Method
1Transplant surgery
Today under going hair replacement surgery is considered as a very safe way for treating hair loss. You just need to look around for genuine doctor and avoid all possible risk factors involved. As this is a surgical method so there are chances of infections.
How surgical method works?
This is the right procedure for surgical method.
2Picking right Donor
In the first step surgeon removes some hair from the donors scalp. In general hair is removed from the back side of your scalp. Your hair loss percentage makes a big difference as this reflects how much natural growing hair you are left with. There are also chances that surgical method may not be possible on your scalp.

3Selecting right area from Donor scalp
The moment a small strip is taken from the donors scalp then doctor will have to stitch this on your scalp. The stitches are left for around ten days before being removed. This is done so that hair may start growing naturally on your scalp.
4Restoring hair grafts
The moment the strip is removed from the donor then they are stitched on your scalp in the bald regions. In general, I to 3 hairs are grafted on the front area of the scalp. As more hair line is transplanted the volume of your hair will also increase.
5Covering Hair loss pattern
This certain takes over 3 to 4 hours for most patients and the patient is given anesthesia to avoid pain. In most cases people may also need to undergo multiple surgeries depending on the volume of hair replacement.
6Selecting the right patient for surgical hair loss method
No matter what, it is certain that not every one is ideal to undergo hair replacement surgery. You may need to consider a number of factors.
6.1Age factor
– In general people of age groups 18 to 25 years are not the ideal candidates to undergo surgery. The reason is that in this age hair loss is generally progressing. So undergoing hair replacement certainly means that you may not get the desired results due to changing pattern of hair loss.
6.2Rate of hair loss
– In case you loose a lot of hair then it is certain that you may find it very difficult to get full scalp replaced. The fact is that natural hair growth is much slower as compared to hair loss ratio. You may also not find many donors to match your hair texture.
You can also check online to see if you are ideal candidate for undergoing surgical method or not.
7Looking for ideal doctor
It is certain that you need to undergo effective surgery so that you get the best results. In case you need good results then you have to approach best surgeon.
It may not be an easy task to make the right selection as most people may claim to offer you with best results, but that may not be the case. You have to select one on the basis of their experience level.
The moment you perform your search you may come across endless results. But when you narrow your search you may find that only handful of them are genuine. You can go through the following resources to make your selection.
7.1Learning centre (Hair Loss)
– You may find volumetric information regarding hair loss treatment and causes on this website. Free lance Physicians support this website and you may certainly find experienced surgeons who can support you with best information.
7.2Hair Replacement Network
– This community offers you with best solutions for your hair loss. You may find over fifty doctors and surgeons on this site. You can also go through the world’s biggest online gallery of hair loss patients.
7.3Interactive Map for locating surgeon in your area
– In case you may not find any genuine surgeon in your area then you may have to travel to far destination. You can try and recommend a doctor nearby your place then travel to other area for surgery.
- How does the physician get started with the treatment procedure? It is certain that your doctor should provide you with all possible information.
- You need to see if all possible resources are available with the clinic that is required to undergo surgery. It is necessary that they should have experienced staff that is well trained. They should be able to perform at least over 2000 grafts per session.
- You should select the clinic that focuses on the needs of the patients. It is important that they should not try and earn more money from you by attracting for new offers.
- Is the clinic mainly focusing on hair replacement surgery or not? It is certain that anyone who is very often performing this surgery is well experienced. Apart from this you may also have to undergo other cosmetic surgery with hair loss surgery.
- You have to look into the number of satisfied patients who have undergone surgery in the past. This will help you take the right decision.
- Try and collect references of the past patients so you can speak to them and collect information about the results. Meeting in person is one of the best options.
- You also have to check with the reputation of the doctor. To get more information you can also try and visit the online hair loss forum.