Guidelines to Wear HD Hair System Perfectly
1 Guidelines to wear HD hair system perfectly
The moment you are all set to wear your hair system it is certain that you need to aim for wearing it for longer period of time. You have to make use of Hair system that is pre glued. As this hair system is coated with triple glue layers so it is certain that process of wearing and bonding very much easy. You may have to take all precautions when wearing it.
2 Things you may require
- Hair system that is pre glued
- Fine bristles tooth comb
- Adjust A Bond
- Magnifying lens
- Tools for styling

2.1 Step 1
Proper placement
To prepare for proper placement, use your magnifying mirror to establish your natural front hairline. Next, using a comb, make an indentation in your skin to temporarily mark the front edge of your hairline, just above your index finger.
Tip: To locate your natural front hairline, raise your eyebrows as high as you can without tilting your head back. Then, run your index finger up the center of your forehead until you feel where the soft facial tissue meets the harder cranial tissue. Lay your index finger on your forehead just above this soft tissue. This is where you will mark it with the comb.
Important – You front line can be located by raising your eye brows and then marking it using the comb and index finger. You have to locate the centre of your fore head with your index finger. Run it till you are able to locate the meeting point of your cranial tissue and your facial tissue. Now you have to keep in mind that this is the marked portion.
2.2 Step 2
Since you have a mark on the front center edge of your hairline, you're ready to begin the attachment process.
To remove your hair system from the adhesive-release mold, first lay it upside down with the front of the system facing you.
Then, carefully remove the mold from the system by adjusting the hair (not the base) and rolling the mold off the system from front to back.
Once removed from the mold, spraying at least seven pumps of Adjust A-Bond on the base, coat the entire base lightly.
Tip: If any hair has folded over onto the adhesive, quickly and carefully remove it with a fine tooth in your comb. Don't use your fingers.
Immediately before picking up the system, spray a light coating of Adjust A-Bond onto your scalp. You have approximately one minute to place the system on your head before the Adjust A-Bond begins to evaporate and the fusion process begins.
Now, pick your system up by holding the hair evenly on each side, so both thumbs are an equal distance from the edge of the base while supporting the center of the unit.
Gently lift the system towards your head. Adjust the center front edge of the system with the mark you made on your forehead, making sure it's centered from left to right, so your fingers and hands are equal on either side of your head. The front edge should be on the mark or just behind it.
Lay the rest of the system down, carefully aligning it within the bonding area. If the system is in the correct alignment in the front, and evenly placed left to right, it should automatically line up in the back.
Now your system is in alignment and properly placed. The base should be lying flat on your head.
Tip: An easy way to make sure the system is laying flat with no bubbles under the base is to interlace your fingers and lay them on top of your head. Then, separate your hands and slide your fingers out from the center and down the sides of the system. Do this from side to side and front to back. Be gentle so you don't slide or move the system.
After a few minutes, the bond will fully activate. There is no need to apply further pressure to the base. The bond will automatically fuse to your scalp upon contact.